Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Gaslan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Gaslan - Essay Example Therefore, I see that Gasland will continue to bring more profits and jobs in the economy of China. I know the department is wondering about the safety of using coal in China. In regards to safety when using coal, am aware of migration of methane when coal is used for long as seen in places like Colorado, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Methane is a natural gas which migrates to aquifers when there is a combination of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing. Therefore, there is a need to avoid driving down natural gas costs and pollution of environment by coal plants. The department should understand about the hydraulic fracturing or fracking. It is a method whereby the chemical fluid is added to earth to free natural gas trapped far underground. The fracking change is actually good news, because it helps in national security and boost the economy of the government. This is achieved since it reduces imports and creates more jobs in the economy and brings about new investment in China. Th e department confirmed that the critics given can be solved it the people take their time to understand that pollution is actually reduced because the amount of coal used in plants is reduced. This clearly shows that boost in fracking increases productivity. Any economist know that without energy China cannot grow economically, therefore, energy is a fundamental service for each and every day living. We know companies like Sinopec and Recon technology which boost the economy of China. Without fuel in the economy, it leads to poverty, although it has effect to the environment, the need of fuel is more important. Meeting the increasing requirements for energy in the entire world is hard to achieve. Therefore, there is a need for fracking even if it has environmental effects. Our choices have to weigh between environmental effects against the economic and social benefits of current supply availability. When fracking is adopted in China, the economy is transformed, it become self-suffic ient than when natural gas is used and could become the biggest exporter this will automatically boost the economy of China. Economists know that a big investment is made through fracking than renewable energy. Therefore, fracking should be encouraged. The shutdown of all fracking will drastically affect the domestic and international markets. In short the oil industry should increase its plans to increase oil production with hydraulic fracturing to increase oil recovery even if it’s threatening the communities’ air and drinking water. Economists should know that the process of hydrofracking is controversial gas and oil extraction methods develop in late 1940s to have access to fossil energy deposits which are inaccessible by drilling machines. The methods actually involve smashing of the rock with a lot of water with sand and a lot of chemicals so that to bring the gas into the surface. The process involve drilling of vertical well bores into the earth, via sediment l ayers, the water table and other rocks to reach oil and gas. (Ralph & Peter 2012) Drilling is done in a horizontally angled and smashed with a lot of water and fracking fluid, chemicals and sand to break the rock and shale. Small explosives are used to open up the bedrock and allow the gas and oil to be removed from the rock formations. Fracking has been there for decades and the process of doing it has been varying from deep fracking to other methods. In conclusion, economists should use fracking approach but try

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